Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tourist Destinations in Purworejo, Central Java, Indonesia

Here the list of tourist attractions/destinations in Kabupaten Purworejo, Central Java province, Indonesia.

alun-alun purworejo.
Penjual Sate+Lontong di sebelah alun-alun kota Purworejo.
Bedug Kyai Bagelen - Purworejo.
Bedug terbesar di Dunia.
Bedug Terbesar di Indonesia.
Bedug Kyai Bagelen - di dalam Masjid Agung Purworejo.
Curug Seneng, Benowo, Purworejo.
Dawet Ireng khas di Butuh, Purworejo.
Goa Seplawan, Purworejo
Keris in Museum Tosan Aji Purworejo.
Clorot -  Traditional Cake from Grabag, Purworejo, Jawa Tengah.
Traditional Culinary from Purworejo, Central Java, Indonesia.
Masjid Agung Purworejo.
Tosan Aji Museum
Jatimalang Beach.
Ketawang Beach photo.
Purworejo Map.
The Biggest Bedug.
Tugu Purworejo.
Photo of Masjid Agung Purworejo, in the past.
Visit Purworejo
Another Traditional Food from Purworejo
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